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Who We Are

Frequent Questions

This section is a compilation of answers to the questions most commonly asked by our constituents. Just start by following one of the links below. If you can’t find the question you wanted to ask, don’t hesitate to contact us.

  • What Defines Developmental Disabilities?

    "Developmental disabilities means disabilities attribute to intellectual disability cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, or any other neurologically disabling condition closely related to intellectual disability and requiring treatment similar to that required by intellectually disabled individuals if the disability originated before the person attained the age of 18, has continued or can be expected to continue indefinitely, and results in the person having a substantial disability."
    -(53-20-202, M C A, 2013)

  • What are Personal Supports?

    Personal support assists the individual in carrying out daily living tasks and other activities essential for living in the community.

  • Do you do Residential Rehabilitation?

    Yes, we do! It is our goal to assist our clients in acquiring, retaining, and improving self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to reside in a home and community-based settings.

  • Do you Offer Retirement Services?

    Yes, we do! We offer services where a client is no longer able to maintain employment due to health and safety risks or is of the age of retirement.

  • What is Supported Employment-Follow Along?

    Supported Employment-Follow Along consists of services and supports that enable a person who is paid at or above the state's minimum wage to maintain employment in a competitive, customized, or self-employment setting.

  • What is Supported Employment-Small Group Employment Support?

    Supported employment-Small Group Employment Support consists of habilitation services and staff support for groups of two to eight workers with disabilities to maintain a job /position in a general workforce at or above minimum wage.

  • Do You Offer Transportation?

    Yes, we do! Transportation services are offered in order to enable individuals served on the waiver to gain access to other community services, activities, and resources, specified by the plan of care. This service is offered in addition to medical transportation.

  • Who is Eligible?

    Before services can be received, a person must be found "eligible for services." Being determined eligible for DDP (Developmental Disabilities Program) services means that a person of any age with an intellectual or cognitive disability (occurring before the age of 18) has been found to have a significant level of difficulty doing things that are important to everyday life.

  • How is Eligibility Determined?

    If you think your family member may be eligible for service and support, contact your DDP office or your doctor. The DDP office will help you apply for services directly or refer you to a provider agency that can help you fill out the application.

    The eligibility process helps to determine the assistance you or your family member needs. This may involve having several different people in your home to make evaluations and ask questions. You may also need to submit doctor's orders, reports, hospital records, school evaluations, or other documentation deemed necessary to meet the requirements set by the state for eligibility.

  • What is the Wait List, Eligibility, and Services?

    If you are deemed eligible for services, through the DD (Developmental Disabilities) program, you will need to request to be placed on the waiting list. This happens because there are more people needing services than there are funds available. DD services are available based on funding provided by the governor's budget, the state legislature (state general fund), and federal funding (Medicaid). It can take anywhere from a few months to a couple of years or more to get selected for the services you need. You will receive a letter that confirms your placement on the waiting list, if you do not receive anything check your status by calling your DD Office.

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